Saturday 17 June 2017

20+ Most Beautiful Happy Fathers Day 2017 Wishes

Happy Father's Day!
I want to tell you
How much you mean to me
Bcoz you are always
Thought about in such a special way,
And do so much to brighten any day.
Wish you a Happy Fathers Day.

20+ Most Beautiful Happy Fathers Day 2017 Wishes
20+ Most Beautiful Happy Fathers Day 2017 Wishes

You are the best dad, I am thankful that it is you I had! Happy Fathers Day 2017.

Get Happy Fathers Day 2017 Wishes, Quotes, Messages and Poems

Fathers day quotes 
Fathers day messages 
Fathers day poems 
Happy Fathers Day Quotes 
Happy Fathers Day wishes 
Happy Fathers Day Messages 
Happy Fathers Day Poems



is one of the sweetest word
Anyone can say,
The letters of FAMILY means…
“Father and Mother I Love You.. !!”


“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works…” (Matthew 5:16). Thank you for the example you always set for me and everyone around you. God bless you on Father’s Day.


20+ Most Beautiful Happy Fathers Day 2017 Wishes
20+ Most Beautiful Happy Fathers Day 2017 Wishes

This Father’s Day, why don’t you do something really daring? Set new precedents! Shock everyone who says you’re predictable! Embrace your wild side! Well, at least put the toilet seat down, or stop and ask directions. (We love you just the way you are, Dad).


This day is not about ordinary people, It is about special people, It is about you! I love you daddy.   


I’m sorry I am not able to spend this day with you. But guess what Dad, I am sending you lots of warm hugs, nonstop kisses and unlimited supply of love for eternity. Happy Father’s day.

You always stood by me at all times, you have made the world a better place. Happy Fathers Day!


Happy Father’s Day means
More than flowers and gifts
It means saying Thank You
It means saying I Love You
You are the best dad, and my best friend
Today is your day.

You were always by my side, and I will always be by your side. Happy Father’s Day to you.


Thank You Dad
For being my pillar of strength and
Fountain of wisdom
Thank You for everything you are.
Life is more beautiful when you are around.
Happy Fathers Day!


 When I was a kid, I said to my father one afternoon, ‘Daddy, will you take me to the zoo?’ He answered, ‘If the zoo wants you, let them come and get you.’ – By Jerry Lewis


Father’s Day gives me a chance to explain how truly blessed I am that my Heavenly Father has abundantly graced me with the most wonderful Earthly Father. I thank God for you every day. Have a great day, Dad.


When my knee got a cut, or there’s a bump on my head; when I feared the darkness or something under my bed; I didn’t needed to call any other, because you were there beside me my father. Happy Father’s Day!


Thank you for everything you have done, you are one in a million. Happy Father’s Day to you.


Words cannot describe what you mean to me, you have made my life seem like a dream, you have made my life perfect. Happy Father’s Day Dad.

20+ Most Beautiful Happy Fathers Day 2017 Wishes
20+ Most Beautiful Happy Fathers Day 2017 Wishes

Daddy is my special friend,
The two of us are buddies.
I always like the things we do,
I'm thankful for my daddy.
Happy Father's Day Dad!!


You always gave me hope, and you vowed never to stop, thank you for everything. Wishing you a Happy Father’s Day.


Saying “Happy Father’s Day” doesn’t quite cover it. I also want to thank you for the sleepless nights, teeth-gritting, and tongue-biting. But most of all the love I have felt every single day of my life.

you are the greatest dad in the world!

You are stone wall against my fear, you saved from this harsh world, I am and will be always grateful to you my beloved dad.


You are my last hope in the bad times and first cheerer in the good times, thanks for everything dad!

My best wishes to the beloved and caring dad!


I know you gave your bread when you were Hungary and you water when I was thirsty,
 you have sacrificed your whole life just make my childish wishes come true,  I am most grateful for the way you made me a man from the child I used to be.


Dear father, you are the light of my life, you chiseled my way of life!


I always wondered, how a man can be so patience and strict at the same time; I am very very thankful to you for all the support in my bad times and cheerful memories in my good times. Love you from the bottom of my heart papa!


I always that day when I did things that I am not so proud of but you forgive me and lead me to Such beautiful life; I am indebted by you forever.


You was always strict with me; but now when I see in my past you and only are responsible for molding Me into the character that I am today, just want to say thanks dad!

Most people that after the birth of a child, one becomes dad but you proved that being father is totally different; you took care of me, you carved me into a wonder, you wrote beautiful stories in my book of life; I am obliged to you pops.


You are my superhero dad!
You are my professor X when I am angry,
You are my superman when I am falling,
You are my green lantern in the darkness,
You are my iron man when I am feeling low,
You have all the power that I need, 
You are super dad!

From the day I was born to the day I will leave this earth, I will be always be thankful to you dad!


Only person whom I can trust blindly is you and mom, I am graceful to God almighty for such wonderful parents!             



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